Every year around Thanksgiving/Christmas, my husband gets a craving for homemade Chex mix. It turns out, this is something his mom used to make when he was growing up. Unfortunately she lives out of state but the good news for us is that she created a cook book with all of her best recipes. We’ve been able to make this Chex mix for ourselves and it’s no surprise that our kids love it too. It is hands down better than any store bought mix.
Here’s what you will need:
8 cups of Kellogg’s Crispix cereal or Chex cereal
2 cups peanuts (salted) or mixed nuts
2 cups of pretzel sticks
2 cups of Cherrios (we prefer honey nut)
1 stick of melted butter
1 tsp garlic salt
4 teaspoons lemon juice
8 tsp of Worcestershire sauce

* Note: my local grocery store did not have Crispix so we used Chex cereal. In this version we tried the Honey Nut Chex but prefer the regular.
Step 1:
Preheat oven to 275 degrees then mix the cereals, peanuts and pretzels on a large baking sheet.

Step 2:
Mix together the melted butter, garlic salt, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Pour mixture over the cereal and, using spatulas, stir together until the cereal is covered in the butter mixture.

Step 3:
Bake at 275 for about 45 minutes. Stir mixture about every 15 minuted until slightly browned.

Step 4:
Once it has baked and has browned, spread it on a paper towel to dry for a few hours. Store in a ziplock bag or airtight container.
This recipe makes about 14 cups.

This snack really is irresistible and it will be tricky to keep little fingers out of it.